Dr Stephen Robinson
BChD(Hons), MDSc, MFD RCSI, FDS (Rest Dent)RCSI

Dr Stephen Robinson
BChD(Hons), MDSc, MFD RCSI, FDS (Rest Dent)RCSI
Stephen brings a unique multi-disciplinary perspective to the Restore team. Having graduated with Honours and winning the medal for most distinguished student of his year, Stephen worked in general practice and Maxillofacial Surgery posts in the UK and Australia before completing a 5 year training program in Restorative Dentistry at Leeds Dental Institute, UK. Stephen is registered with the General Dental Council (UK) as a specialist in Endodontics, Prosthodontics and Periodontology and was a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry before emigrating to Australia in 2010.
As an AHPRA registered specialist in Prosthodontics, Stephen provides a full range of fixed and removable prosthodontic and implant services. He has a passion for dental rehabilitation of patients undergoing Head and Neck cancer treatment and those who have suffered facial trauma and developmental disorders. For the last 10 years he has combined private practice with a Queensland Health role including membership of the Royal Brisbane Head and Neck cancer team. He treats eligible public patients at the Oral Health Centre, Herston and works closely with the Maxillofacial Surgery, ENT and Plastic Surgical teams.
Stephen is committed to further education attending courses with international experts in Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Endodontics and implant dentistry. He is an ADA member and is Treasurer of the Australian Prosthodontic Society (Qld). He leads a local implant dentistry study club, has taught both postgraduates and undergraduates at UQ and Griffith and has published several articles in peer reviewed journals.
Outside work, Stephen is married with 3 children and is a huge sports fan (still) playing competitive soccer while being a passionate supporter of Manchester United and the Ulster and Ireland rugby teams.